Our most recent research revealed that a large number of internet merchants distributing products branded Mei Xing Ming Da.We are not sure about the origin of those products, hence they are not purchased from our factory or other sources affiliated with our company.It would be advantageous to consult our factory if you have doubt about the authenticity of your purchased product or if you are in the process of purchasing a product branded as Ming Da Meixing.In order to benefit from the stringent quality assurance process of our factory and to protect the integrity of our brand, we advise you to purchase only from authorised dealers or directly from our factory if no dealer is located nearby your location. And we are able to manage the logistics of an overseas shipment in a timely and safe fashion.Please do not buy from EBAY and pay attention especially for the following website, which we confirmed IS NOT our authorized dealers.www.cattylink.com Meixing Ming Da
Ming Da products from the Mei Xing Factory.
The only manufacturer specially producing valve amplfier products in China. The Factory opened in 1991. Our factory has a complete range of production equipment for making our own transformers and chassis components. Our products are exported to more than 20 countries around the world.
Certification:( ROHS、CB、CE、CCC、PSE )
TEL: 86-756-3315656 FAX:86-756-3317676 E-MAIL:mingda@mei-xing.com sales@mei-xing.com
Add:#17 Nanteng Street. Qi Ao Island, Zhuhai, Guangdong China